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Keywords: Intellectual property; multimedia work; copyright; creative commons; education.


The massive use of the New Technologies and the "democratization" in the access and development of cultural materials, have facilitated the appearance of multitude of "creators". Nevertheless, this creative activity not always is made guaranteeing the rights and used guarantees that safeguard the materials of third parties and preexisting used for that creation; or it is not designed considering the existing rules in a determined legal frame.

When works multimedia are developed preexisting materials of diverse nature can be used: graphs, sounds, text, video, etc. These materials can be subject to author´s laws, or be developed under the present premises of the call "copyleft", or simply to be in the public dominion.

With this article we try to spread which are the basic foundations of the Spanish and European legislation in author and multimedia´s laws and to serve as a guide on the guarantees and rights that surround to the operation and use of the materials that are generated.

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